Prevent Opportunity Close Date changing

Prevent Opportunity Close Date changing

The Problem

My customer needed the Close Date for an Opportunity to remain the same throughout the sales cycle.

By default, Salesforce changes the Close Date to the current date when the Opportunity is changed to Close Won if the close date is in the past.

The Salesforce default logic works for some customers but was not compatible with this customer's process.

The Solution

The Success community was my first stop for finding a solution to this.
After a few minutes I found a partial formula that looked promising:


Formula: Priorvalue(Closedate)

I then used Process Builder to monitor the Opportunity. When it was changed to Close Date I put a single field update action in to ensure that the Close Date was kept the same.

Process Builder - on Opportunity Create and Edit

Field update action keeping Close Date the same

Close up of formula

Cover image from, artist Negative Space.
