Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Exam Practice and Notes
In this blog post, I've gathered together several resources to help you prepare for the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I exam.
I recently started studying towards this accreditation as part of my own learning journey on Salesforce. The Platform Developer exam is one of the newer offerings from Salesforce University and therefore there were fewer materials scattered around the internet to help me prepare.
I did, however, find some good ones which I've signposted below.
As with all Salesforce exams, I would really recommend the approach that I first described in this post where you essentially:
- first, answer the questions you are 100% sure of
- mark any you are not sure of for review later
- on the second pass through the exam concentrate on the ones marked for review - answer them as best as possible
- on the third pass count up how many questions you have answered confidently (68% is the passing mark)
- use any remaining time to work on anything unanswered
- submit when ready
Study Guide
The first reference for any Salesforce Exam is the Study Guide. This is always invaluable as it lists the topics that will be covered in the exam, but more importantly the % of each topic.
Trello for Study Planning
I found a great blog posting by Spencer on which covered his own learning journey for Platform Developer. Spencer had used the Trello board to help him prepare and I did exactly that.
Spencer even made the Trello board public so that anyone can make a copy and add your own resources. Nice!
I found a really comprehensive set of flashcards on Quizlet which were created by Penaherp. The trick with Flashcards is to always cross-check them back to official documentation in case things have changed but I was impressed by his set and they helped me a lot.
Other Links
These were my main resources used in preparation - please let me know of any others and I'll update the blog with additional links.
Icon from Iconfinder, artist Paresh D
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