I recently worked on a app that generated a list of timed activities for their employees.
These times were displayed in a bar chart running from 09:00 to 17:00 across the day. So, for Employee A you might see a record like the one below visualising a day's activity.
Agent timeline |
This graphic was great but quickly built up and could be occasionally hard to follow. One client asked for both this graphic table and a simpler table to follow each activity.
Here's an example of a single day's activity.
Here's an example of a single day's activity.
03121Ready:0|03121Busy Inbound:45|03166Wrap Up (Auto):13|03179Ready:1|03180Busy Inbound:8|03188Ready:0|03188Busy Inbound:91|03279Wrap Up (Auto):3|03282Busy Inbound:22|03304Wrap Up (Auto):4|03308Ready:1|03309Busy Inbound:12|03321Wrap Up (Auto):52|03373Custom State 320:418|03791Logged Out:25009|28800Logged Out:86400|
The time logged for each activity was being stored in a custom field. The Code below seperates out that Code and builds a dynamic table using Javascript to show the time in each state more clearly.
Installation Instructions
- Create a new VisualForce page called Agent Timeline Table
- Add the attached code to the new VF page
- Add a new section to the Agent Summary page (recommend near bottom of screen)
- Drag VF page to new section in layout editor
- Select Scrollbars on VF component properties
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